Dream come true.
As a kid, Robert of American House Livonia used to sneak out his bedroom window late at night. He’d lay on the roof in the dark and watch the planes coming in over his house, landing at the nearby airport on Detroit’s West Side. “I really don’t know why, but I’ve always loved airplanes,” Robert said. “To this day, whenever I hear a plane overhead, I have to look up.”
Thanks to Life Enrichment Director, Tee Tesheena Dolphin, Robert’s lifelong love of airplanes and flying became a reality through a submission to Wish of a Lifetime. They flew Robert to Denver to have the experience there. “I always wanted to see the mountains and they were absolutely beautiful,” Robert said. “Lookout Mountain was awesome.”
Another highlight of the trip was the Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum and Exploration of Flight. It’s located in Hanger 1 of the former Lowry Air Force Base, a 15-acre campus on one of the busiest general aviation airports in the country. “I got to use the flight simulator and I have to say I didn’t do too good,” Robert said, laughing. “I actually drove the plane off the runaway.”
He was beaming as he recalled his time behind the controls of an airplane. “If that was a real plane, all the passengers would have been sick! I was veering right and left, up and down. It was like a roller coaster and more difficult than I expected. But it was really fun.”
Robert and Tee also went to The Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave. “I was shocked when Tee told me we were going to Denver for four days,” Robert said. “It blew my mind because I just assumed we were going to a small airport in Michigan.”
Robert was born and raised in the Warrendale neighborhood of Detroit. He attended Salesian Catholic High School on Woodward. In those days, Robert loved flying so much he’d go to the airport and purchase a ticket on standby for $18. He’d fly to Chicago, walk around the airport for a while, then fly back to Detroit. “You can’t even get a snack on a plane for $18 dollars anymore!” he said.
After high school, Robert went on to enroll at a seminary in Battle Creek. “I took my temporary and permanent vows with the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. Those were good days, but I eventually left and went to work for ServiceMaster® Brands and different hospitals in housekeeping and maintenance before I retired.”
Robert’s love of flying has never left him. “If I could fly, I’d fly around the world a couple times. Just for fun.”
He’s been a resident at American House Livonia for almost four years. “What I love most about it here is Tee. She keeps us busy with activities every day. I enjoy all the things we do, so time just kind of flies by.” Robert recently was named “Ambassador of the Environment.”
“Four times a day I go all around the property and even a little further out to see if there’s any trash that needs to be picked up. I don’t understand why people do that and it makes me worry about the world.”
Robert is mostly still smiling about his trip to Denver. “I couldn’t have picked a nicer person to go with than Tee. We really had a good time, and it never would’ve happened without her.”
Even the plane ride home was amazing. “So quiet and smooth. I didn’t want to get off the plane, to tell you the truth,” Robert said with a laugh.
We all have a story. A story that taught us something, changed us and helped define who we are. At American House, your next chapter is waiting to be written. We’re here to help you write it. Your way.
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